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Technical personnel

Number: 1 people
Place: changzhou

1. Responsible for pre-sales installation and after-sales maintenance of advertising photo machines and inkjet machines;

2. Responsible for after-sales consultation, providing technical answers or guidance to customers through service hotline, remote or on-site;

3. Ensure the highest customer satisfaction by constantly improving service quality;

4. Complete other routine work assigned by superior.


1) Technical secondary school or above, experience in equipment maintenance is preferred;

2) Basic computer skills, sensitive to color;

3) Good communication skills, good service attitude and team spirit.

Note: this position is the teaching mode of "Belt one"

Promotion space of technical position: Technician -- Engineer -- Senior Engineer -- Chief Engineer (Branch manager)

    Previou: No information

    What help do you need?

    TEL: 86-519-87986868 15861119298

    EMAIL: feedmachinery@hong-huan.com

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